Above, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh exits the elevator on his floor in the Al-Bustan Rotana hotel, Dubai. Moments later he will be murdered by Mossad agents hiding in his room.
Israel is a young nation, yet its intelligence apparatus has a long and sordid history. From staging Muslim terror attacks in Egypt in 1954, to orchestrating 'Arab' terrorist hijackings in 1976, to directing 'al-Qaeda' terror attacks in 2006, there seems little that the Mossad will not do in an effort to give legitimacy to the Israeli government's slow genocide of the Palestinian people and bolster the American government's phony 'war on terror'.
That the Mossad eagerly assassinates all enemies of Israel (real, imagined and fabricated) is generally accepted, if not condoned, but the details of precisely how agents go about their dirty work has remained sketchy to say the least, with the revelations of former agents like Victor Ostrovsky the most reliable reference. The recent murder of Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in a Dubai hotel, however, gives a never-before seen inside look at the extent to which the Mossad operates 'by way of deception'.
Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was found dead in his Al-Bustan Rotana hotel room in Dubai by hotel staff on Janurary 20th 2010. Several coroners reports claimed that al-Mabhouh had been tortured and killed either by electrocution to the head, strangulation, poisoning, suffocation or by way of a pill that provoked a heart attack.
The unsavory affair developed in the following way:
Mahmoud al-Mabhouh arrived in Dubai at 3:15pm on January 19th on some unknown business. The previous night the Mossad assassination squad had arrived from different destinations and settled into their respective hotels. al-Mabhouh was being followed so closely that even as he exited immigration in the airport he was forced to walk around a Mossad assassin with an luggage cart. He checked into his hotel and went out for several hours. At around 8 pm two Mossad agents gained access to his room and prepared themselves. al-Mabhouh arrived back at 8:24 pm and went up to his room. During this time at least 4 different two-person Mossad surveillance teams had been watching his every move, including dressing up as tennis players and riding in the same elevator as him when he initially arrived at the hotel and following him to his car when he left. Throughout, the 11 individuals were in constant communication by way of "special communication devices". When al-Mabhouh arrived back and went to his room he was followed by two agents (a man and woman) who kept watch in the corridor while their comrades plied their grisly trade. At 8:46 pm the execution team has left the hotel. By 11 pm, less than 20 hours after they had arrived, all were on planes out of the country.
Dubai police initially pointed the finger at Israel, which seemed logical given Israel's historic targeting of Palestinians individually and collectively. It's interesting to note that it was the Israeli media that first reported on January 31 that this was an Israeli operation, specifically that "a four-person squad of Israeli Shin Bet and Mossad operatives arrived in Dubai on European passports". This perhaps prompted Dubai's chief of police to announce on February 5 that Dubai would seek an arrest warrant for Netanyahu himself:
Dahi Khalfan Tamim, Dubai's police chief, claimed that the dead man was killed using methods known to be employed by Mossad, Israel's foreign intelligence agency. He added that Mr Netanyahu would be held personally responsible if Mossad was identified as the culprit.
"Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, will be the first to be wanted for justice as he would have been the one who signed the decision to kill al-Mabhouh in Dubai," Gen Tamim told The National, an English language newspaper in Dubai.
"We will issue an arrest warrant against him."
General Tamim next released CCTV footage of the 11 suspects that detailed how, over the course of 20 hours, they went about the job of identifying, following and ultimately murdering al-Mabhouh. With their work done, the Mossad agents left to several different destinations including, Hong Kong, South Africa and Germany. Based on telephone calls that members of the group made while in Dubai, authorities there suspect that Austria was their "command center".

Above, Mossad operatives Eli Cara and Uriel Kelman
Within the last few days however, the Dubai authorities released the passport details of the suspects and are now looking for six British citizens, three Irish citizens, one French citizen and one German citizen! It's hard to know if the Dubai regime is simply unaware of the Mossad's history of stealing the identities and passports of innocent people, or if they are deliberately attempting to divert attention from the obvious culprits. After all, it was just 6 years ago that Uriel Kelman and Eli Cara were caught by New Zealand police attempting to use the identity of a mute tetraplegic New Zealand man to get a passport for a third Mossad agent, Zev Barkan. And it was just two years before that, in 2004, that the Sydney Morning Herald revealed that the very same Zev Barkan, identified as a "fugitive Israeli Mossad intelligence agent", had been dealing with Asian criminal gangs to obtain Australian and other passports stolen in Asia.
Barkan has been named by New Zealand authorities as the kingpin in a passport scam for which two Israelis with Australian links were jailed for six months last week in Auckland.
One of the jailed men, Eli Cara, 50, had his rented home in Turramurra raided by ASIO in March. A short time later, he was arrested in New Zealand.
The New Zealand Government has named Barkan, Cara and the other convicted man, Uriel Kelman, as Mossad agents.
Barkan fled New Zealand before police swooped. There are unconfirmed reports that Barkan, allegedly using a fraudulent Canadian passport, has since made visits to North Korea.
The New Zealand aid worker, who has intelligence connections in Asia, said Barkan was also connected to an Israeli security company operating out of Thailand.
"He goes to Laos, Cambodia, Burma and Thailand and deals with gangs who rob tourists of their valuables and passports", the aid worker said.
"Barkan is mostly interested in passports and there have been a number of Australian passports."
Intelligence analysts in New Zealand believe Barkan, a former navy diver in the Israeli Defence Force, was trying to secure a "clean" passport for use in a sensitive Israeli undercover operation in the region, less risky than a forged passport.
The Herald has also been told that Barkan had grown up in Washington as Zev Bruckenstein, where his father was director of religious studies at a synagogue.
The fact that Mr Barkan and therefore the Mossad, were keen to get ahold of Australian passports in 2004 is very interesting. On Valentine's day 2005, former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was murdered, in all likelihood by the Mossad, in a massive car bomb in downtown Beirut. I wrote about the details of the attack and why the Mossad were the obvious culprits in this editorial. What I was unaware of at the time was that the Lebanese authorities were looking for twelve Australian men in connection with the attack. Or rather, twelve men carrying Australian passports.
In 1997 Canada pulled its ambassador from Israel after two Mossad agents were caught using Canadian passports during a failed assassination attempt on Hamas official Khalid Mashaal, a leading Hamas official in Jordan. And then there's this from 1987, as reported by the New York Times:
Britain said today that Israel had admitted using fake British passports, and a newspaper said the documents were intended to help agents of the Israeli secret service attack foes abroad.
The Foreign Office said it made a strong protest last October to the Israeli Ambassador, Yehuda Avner, about ''misuse by the Israeli authorities of forged British passports". It said Israel later apologized and promised not to do it again.
The Sunday Times said in a front-page article on February 17th that eight fake British passports intended "for Mossad secret service hit men to attack opponents abroad were discovered by chance last summer in a bag inside a telephone booth in West Germany."
So are we to assume that the Dubai police are incapable of putting these puzzle pieces together? Or is it a case of Israeli government pressure once again forcing justice onto the back burner?
There was more than a hint of irony in the Dubai government's call for Interpol to help to track down the gang of assassins. For it was just a few weeks ago that Interpol Secretary-General Ronald Noble declared passport fraud as 'the biggest threat facing the world'. "Right now in our database we have over 11 million stolen or lost passports. These passports are being used, fraudulently altered and are being given to terrorists, war criminals, drug traffickers, human traffickers", he said.
Unfortunately, Mr. Noble and Interpol don't seem to be looking in the right places.
In any case, both the British and Irish governments wasted no time in stating that they had no record of passports being issued to the names provided by the Dubai authorities. In short, the passports are faked, as are the names (or most of them) but naturally the pictures on them are the real Mossad operatives. Have a look:

It should be noted that the people above have undoubtedly disguised themselves to some extent. Just imagine all of the above individuals with or without glasses, beards, mustaches, short hair, long hair, differently colored hair, etc., in each case. From the CCTV footage provided by Dubai authorities we can at least be certain the decidedly masculine-looking 'Gail Folliard' is wearing a wig. See this link for larger versions of each person.
At the time of writing, three people have come forward to cry foul over the use of their names (but not their faces) in the operation - British/Israeli citizens Melvyn Mildiner, Paul Keeley and Michael Barney. All three have been living in Israel for several years. A resident of a town near Jerusalem, Mr. Mildiner insisted he had nothing to do with the assassination and had never been to Dubai.
"I woke up this morning to a world of fun", he said, after newspapers around the world splashed names and photos of the suspects distributed by Dubai.
"I am obviously angry, upset and scared - any number of things. And I'm looking into what I can do to try to sort things out and clear my name", he said in a telephone interview. "I don't know how this happened or who chose my name or why, but hopefully we'll find out soon."
Paul Keeley, 42, a builder originally from Kent who has lived on a kibbutz for 15 years, said: "It's scary when someone steals your identity. I'm in shock and I don't understand what I am seeing. It doesn't even look like me."
Michael Barney, 54, from North London but who emigrated to Israel many years ago, said "I've just had a quadruple heart bypass, I'm not exactly spy material."
Perhaps the three men should now reconsider their allegiance to the state of Israel. Then again, as members of that increasingly rare breed of person who choose to do 'aliya' to Israel, perhaps they are secretly proud that they (or at least their names) were of some use to the Mossad in their duplicitous campaign of phony terrorism and assassination.
The three men's surprise at finding out that they were temporary suspects in a Mossad operation on foreign soil, it is hard not to remember a similar incident about 8 years ago.
Remember this line up?

In the end, seven of the above alleged '9/11 hijackers' were officially confirmed as being alive and well and innocent of any involvement in the 9/11 attacks, with several of them expressing similar shock and surprise that their names (and in the case of 9/11 their faces too) were used by the 9/11 authors. While the world was being fooled with the greatest fake passport survival story of all time, no one was interested in the story of the group of Israelis doing the happy dance while filming the collapse of the WTC towers.
It is certainly interesting therefore to see these same passport shenanigans being employed in the Mossad murder of al-Mabhouh. Is it too much to suggest the possibility of a common source in both operations?
The story of the assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh by a mysterious 'hit squad' is receiving an unusual amount of coverage in the mainstream press. There is however very little, if any, condemnation of the callous, cold-blooded murder of a man whose only real detractors are those who have been waging a war of annihilation against his people for decades. On the contrary, there is a palpable sense of glorification in the press (and in comments left by readers) of the 'skilled' way in which the Mossad went about their task. There is a sense of awe or respect for these psychopaths, a perverse respect which is closely tied to the acceptance by so many people in Western nations of wholesale killing of Palestinians and Muslims in general.
When we really look at what these deranged individuals did, the meticulousness with which they went about maneuvering another defenseless human being into a position where he could be silently murdered in a hotel room, fully sponsored and supported by major Western governments, in the name of 'freedom and democracy', we are left with a lingering and disturbing feeling that, somewhere along the way, we, as a civilization, have taken a seriously wrong turn. We, as a global civilization, appear to have taken a turn, firmly, into a world where psychopathic actions are not only the norm, but the ideal.
I leave you to judge for yourself. Below you can view the extensive CCTV footage (with notations) of the movements of the glorious Mossad assassination team. Note, there is no audio.
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