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There have been some hilarious goings on in the U.S. over the past few days, and by "hilarious" what I really mean is very, very disturbing. Last night, the Republicrat and Democan members of Washington's permanent big top circus aka "the Senate", staged a "sleep in" in an attempt to convince someone, anyone, that they actually give a damn about the Iraqi people or that US troops should be withdrawn by April 2008.
The debate was scheduled to get so "heated" that cots, pillows, toothpaste and deodorant were shipped for the hard working public servants. Of course, this makes perfect sense, because when you plan an all-night debate on an important issue, the first thing on the agenda is having somewhere comfortable to sleep, or perhaps something soft to faint onto in the unlikely event that a Senator actually says anything meaningful.
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Fear spread around the Senate last night when word spread that Mark Foley and Dennis Hastert had been spotted in the building |
From the outset, farce was assured by the fact that there was no way that Democans could ever succeed in actually getting past the debate stage because, while they have a majority of 51-49 in the house, Republicrat leaders have the option to use the "procedural hurdle" of requiring 60 votes before the proposal can be moved to the floor.
Not to be dissuaded from a good slumber party, after assorted candy bars and coffee, members bedded down for a few hours to prepare themselves for the expected fracas. Then, on the stroke of 5 hours in, something remarkable happened: lawmakers from both sides, in a startling shift away from the whole point of the publicity stunt, managed to come together to overwhelmingly pass a Republican measure stating that it was "in the U.S. interest that Iraq not become a failed state and a safe haven for terrorists"! Go Democans! You show those Republicrats!
Unfortunately for the Republicrats, in passing this measure they were badly out of sync with their task masters in the White House, because just a few hours before the Senate sleep-over, the White House had released a new (that is to say, "newly cobbled together out of nothing") intelligence report that claimed that "al-CIA-duh" is planning to use use "battle-hardened associates in Iraq to strike inside the United States".
I mean, is it so hard for the Republicrats to get with the program here!? The White House went to all that bother of releasing a fabricated intelligence report claiming that Iraq was already a failed state and had already become a safe haven for terrorists, (aka "al-CIA-duh in Iraq") and the Senate Republicrats go and pass a bi-partisan motion stating that it is in the U.S. interest that Iraq not become a failed state and a safe haven for terrorists"!?
What the hell? Do they not know that Cheney has burst several blood-vessels in his efforts to finally convince U.S. intelligence agencies that there are known knowns, unknown knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns and that the CIA just needs to provide the "intelligence" that he tells them to provide? Clearly it is in the U.S. interest that Iraq is a failed state and "a safe haven for terrorists", this was the whole point of the god-damn intelligence report! I mean, how else is the Bush cabal going to justify the next false flag terror attack on America? The terrorists aren't just gonna do it themselves ya know! Come on people! It isn't rocket science!
Understandably, such pusillanimous political posturing is beyond the grasp of the average American, but that doesn't mean that they should feel excluded from true, meaningful participation in the nation's march towards oblivion. Just as Roman leaders provided the masses with the grisly 'entertainment' of the Colosseum, the American government is also attentive to the needs of its subjects, and as the Senators were 'filiblustering' the night away, the DOD was outlining a plan to tap the creative skills of the ordinary American Joe:
Million-dollar prize offered for soldier 'power pack'
Inventors across the country are being asked to find a way to lighten the load U.S. soldiers carry on their backs -- largely due to the high-tech gear that uses batteries -- and the solution will be decided in a $1 million contest. (yay capitalism!)
The Department of Defense is asking a person or team to come up with a way to lessen the weight of the 20-40 pounds of batteries a solider carries on a typical four-day mission. The batteries power everything from soldiers' GPS systems to their night-vision goggles.
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'Have a heart, lighten my load and help me kill more Iraqis.' |
You see? The success of the "troop surge" is everyone's responsibility, not just that of a bunch of decrepit old buggers in Washington! I mean, come on folks, what true blue American wouldn't feel overcome with patriotic pride knowing that it was their design that helped U.S. troops kill and maim Iraqi civilians more efficiently? Or helped U.S. troops more efficiently seal off an area so that U.S. government-funded death squads could wipe out a few dozen more worthless Iraqis? So don't try and tell me that the American people don't have a choice over Iraq. The U.S. government is making it quite clear: you can shut up and just accept the dictates of the Commander guy, or you can help him out in his divinely-ordained task. The choice is yours.
Quite frankly, it's a little selfish for anyone to complain, because Bush really could do with some help at the moment. For example, two days ago, the decider in chief announced "a U.S.-led international conference which would take place before the end of the year to resolve what he said were all the outstanding issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict". I kid you not. This is the Commander guy we're talking about. For a gibbering idiot like him, sorting out all the problems of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a cakewalk, and he's gonna do it in time for Christmas too!
Finally, after years of what newspapers are claiming was a "hands off approach" to the conflict, the Bush administration has now decided to step up to the plate, take the bull by the horns and get a little Palestinian dirt on its hands (to cover up the blood).
This really should be something to see folks, no, really, because for the past 6 years the Bush administration's "hands off" approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has included:
at least $3 billion per year in non-refundable loans to prop up the Zionist state of Israel,
the provision of the latest U.S. military technology to more efficiently murder and oppress Palestinian civilians,
the deliberate political and economic isolation of Palestinian leaders
and in general, the unflinching support of the Zionist agenda to thwart forever the right of Palestinians to self-determination.
There is no doubt therefore that a Bush government "hands on" approach would have been pretty spectacular, sadly however, we shall never know just how much money he was willing offer the Zionists so that he could claim to be 'the man who solved the Israeli-Palestinian conflict', because the Zionists' it seems, are not about to give up their plans for a 'final solution' to the Palestinian problem at this late stage of the game:
Israel rebuffs call for talks on core issues
Israel on Tuesday ruled out negotiations "at this stage" on the borders of a future Palestinian state, rebuffing Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and casting doubt on a U.S. push to tackle the issue.
Israel gave its response a day after U.S. President George W. Bush said "serious negotiations toward the creation of a Palestinian state" could begin soon.
Bush said the talks should lead to a deal on Palestinian borders, suggesting other final-status issues such as Jerusalem and refugees wait until later.
Lest some readers should it inflammatory of me to refer to the Zionists "final solution to the Palestinian problem", let's consider for a moment the actual details of Bush's plan for peace between Palestine and Israel that was so quickly rejected by the Zionists.
Bush insisted that, before any agreement could be reached, the Palestinians and their leaders must first "reject violence" and "accept Israel's right to exist", while at the same time neglecting to insist that Israel stop its ongoing policy of manufacturing fake Palestinian terrorism which is used to demonise the Palestinians as terrorists and provide justification for the arbitrary arrest, imprisonment, torture and murder of Palestinian political leaders and civilians.
Bush's plan therefore was that Palestinians must, as a prelude to peace, stop committing acts of violence that are actually carried out by Israeli provocateurs - an impossibility. At the same time, Bush requires that Palestinians "accept Israel's right to exist", which naturally means Israel as it exists today, which means Palestinians must accept Israel's "right" to hold on to large tracts of stolen Palestinian land. Would you agree to such conditions? To use an analogy: Bush's demands are akin to asking a person whose house has been stolen by a neighbor to accept the thief's "right" to keep the stolen house before the person will be allowed to enter into negotiations about reacquiring his house, which will never happen if he agrees to this condition. Meanwhile, the Zionists will be facilitated in their continued efforts to find a way to plausibly exterminate the Palestinians.
Basically, Bush's "Middle East Peace Summit", is cut from the very same cloth as the Republicrats and Democans sleep-over last night - it is a charade, nothing more, and it is designed to placate the American and world population into giving the ZioNazis and the Bush cabal more time to finalise the planning of their next "spectacular" false flag terror attack, which will possibly involve several countries at once but will, however, on close examination, bear the clear signature of the real terrorists: Mossad, the CIA and MI5/6.
All in all then, a 'hilarious' few days here on old planet earth, and I really would be laughing if it were not so utterly depressing.
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